Broker Reviews Comprehensive Complaints Procedure

Ventorus is committed to ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining high standards of service. As a company that values transparency and regulatory compliance, Ventorus has established a robust complaints procedure to address any concerns that may arise. is your reliable trading partner

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Initial Handling of Complaints

Upon receiving a complaint, Ventorus prioritizes a prompt and thorough investigation. The goal is to resolve the issue swiftly and effectively, ensuring that customers feel heard and respected. If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately, the matter is escalated for further investigation.

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Further Investigation and Communication

If the complaint requires further investigation and cannot be resolved within six weeks, a company officer will directly contact the complainant. This communication, which may be conducted via email or phone, will explain the reasons for the delay and provide an estimated timeline for the completion of the investigation. Ventorus is committed to delivering the outcome of the investigation no later than one month from the date the delay was communicated, depending on the complexity of the case and the level of cooperation from the complainant.

Customer Cooperation and Case Closure

It is essential for complainants to remain responsive during the investigation process. If a complainant fails to respond to Ventorus officers within six weeks from the date of the complaint submission, the company will consider the complaint closed and cease further investigation.

Final Decision and Legal Rights

Once Ventorus reaches a conclusion, the complainant will be informed of the outcome along with an explanation of the company’s position and any remedial actions that will be taken, if applicable. Importantly, the existence or use of Ventorus’ complaints procedures does not affect the complainant’s right to pursue legal action.

Through these comprehensive procedures, Ventorus ensures that all complaints are handled with the utmost care, reflecting the company’s dedication to customer service and regulatory adherence.


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